Frequently Asked Questions

Will my horses eat Platinum without grain?

Yes, most horses love the flavor of Platinum Performance®. You can top dress Platinum Performance® on your feed, however most horses will eat Platinum Performance® by itself right out of the feed tub.

What if my horse won't eat Platinum Performance®?

While the vast majority of horses love the flavor of Platinum Performance®, some horses are reluctant at first to eat the granular. This is often due to Platinum being an unfamiliar texture or smell. Contact a Platinum Advisor at (800) 553-2400 or for several helpful tips that can help your horse eat his Platinum Performance®.

If I am feeding a complete feed do I still need to supplement with Platinum Performance® Equine?

When reading feed bag labels and viewing marketing materials it may appear that commercial feeds offer similar benefits as Platinum Performance®. In fact, Platinum Performance® has major differences from commercial feeds.

  • Platinum Performance® is made from high quality, bio-available ingredients, as opposed to ingredients such as corn, distiller grains and wheat middlings commonly found in commercial livestock and equine feeds.
  • Platinum Performance® is meticulously made in small batches in our own facility, as opposed to the feed mills where most pelleted commercial feeds are produced using high heat, moisture and shear which can damage the integrity and nutrient content of raw ingredients.
  • Platinum Performance® provides a highly concentrated source of Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and trace minerals. Each scoop of Platinum Performance® contains more beneficial ingredients than found in many pounds of many commercials feeds. With Platinum Performance®, horses can get more by consuming less, avoiding "filler" calories found in commercial feeds.
  • Even the highest quality grain based commercial feeds provide an abundance of pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids. Platinum Performance® was designed to provide a rich supply of healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, that support overall health and optimal immune function.
  • Platinum Performance® has been shown to improve a horse's ability to properly utilize calories from their diet. By increasing feed efficiency, horse owners can decrease the amount of calories they feed from hay and grain, helping to reduce your feed bill while positively impacting equine health.

What are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and why are they important?

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids cannot be produced in sufficient quantities by a horse's body to support health, and therefore must be consumed in the equine diet. In the wild, horses are natural grazers and consume 2-5 times more healthy Omega-3 fatty acids than Omega-6s, where the modern grain-based diet provides 17 times more harmful Omega-6 fatty acids than Omega-3's.

This dietary imbalance causes excess inflammation and can predispose horses to a host of chronic and severe health conditions. By feeding a forage based diet and supplementing with Omega-3's, antioxidants and amino acids, you can help to support normal healthy levels of inflammation in your horse's body.

How do feeds go rancid, and how bad is this for my horse?

Feeds can go rancid for a number of reasons. It is common for commercial feeds to have elevated levels of rancidity for a number of reasons such as ingredients like corn and distiller grains, the high heat/high moisture manufacturing process and normal storage methods. Rancidity damages fat content in feeds, causing excess oxidation that is harmful to a horse's body and cell structure.

The high levels of antioxidants in Platinum Performance® can help to maintain normal levels of oxidation and positively impact a horse's overall health and performance.

Why is the Calcium:Phosphorus ratio of Platinum Performance® Equine not 2:1?

It has been commonly known that the overall Calcium:Phosphorus ratio in the equine diet is important to proper bone development and health. Because Calcium and Phosphorous are macro minerals consumed in large quantities in the common equine diet, most horses do not have deficiencies in Calcium and Phosphorous. Platinum Performance® is a trace mineral supplement, providing the minerals that horses are commonly deficient in such as selenium, copper, zinc and a host of other naturally occurring trace minerals. The level of Calcium and Phosphorus in Platinum Performance® has a relatively insignificant effect on the total levels in the equine diet. If your horse does have an imbalance of Calcium and Phosphorus it should be corrected with dietary changes or specific calcium and phosphorus supplementation.

Can Platinum Performance® Equine be given with other supplements?

Platinum Performance® was developed to be administered safely with other supplements. Platinum Performance® is a very comprehensive supplement and can often replace other supplements such as vitamins and trace minerals, hoof, skin and allergy, antioxidant and joint supplements. If your horse has additional needs, talk to your veterinarian or a Platinum Advisor about which Platinum Performance® products may be right for your horse.

Can I give my horse just hay and Platinum?

Yes, many horses thrive on hay and Platinum. In numerous feeding trials, horses on just hay and Platinum show improved health over those being fed typical grain based commercial diets.

Can I feed the full daily dose of my horse's Platinum supplements once per day rather than twice?

Yes, you can safely and effectively feed the full daily serving of any Platinum supplement once per day.

What to Feed a Horse with Colic?

A lack of interest in food is usually a sign of colic or intestinal disturbance. Typically, horses that are actively colicking will have a suppressed appetite, and it is usually recommended to take away all hay and feeds and to provide clean, fresh water only.

  • Follow your veterinarian’s instruction of when to reintroduce the horse’s normal feeds, which will depend on the severity of the colic.
  • Pasture turnout or hay will be introduced prior to your horse consuming any grains or concentrates.
  • Providing an easily digestible supplement that contains micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids may be helpful during recovery for horses that have colicked. Another option is to provide a daily wellness supplement that contains omega-3 fatty acids to support healthy levels of intestinal inflammation in addition to pre- and probiotics to maintain healthy hindgut bacteria and aid in normal digestion. Potent pre- and probiotics are helpful to repopulate the beneficial bacteria in the hindgut that may have been compromised during a colic episode.

Quality & Satisfaction Guarantee

If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied, contact us for a replacement or refund.

What does Platinum Performance® do to ensure the quality of its products?

At Platinum Performance® quality begins in the development of our formulas. Our nutritionists, veterinarians and researchers design our formulas with unmatched results in mind. We take great care in sourcing the highest quality and most bio-available form of ingredients, and we test each lot of raw ingredients for potency, purity, and contaminants.

We manufacture all Platinum Performance® products in our own facility with a seasoned team of experts in nutrition, food science and quality assurance.

Online Shopping & Sales Tax

As per the Supreme Court ruling of June of 2018, Platinum Performance® is required to charge state sales tax on taxable products based on the shipping address.
To see if sales tax is charged in your state click here.

My horse isn't a performance horse, is Platinum Performance® Equine right for him?

Yes, Platinum Performance® was developed to provide support for the overall health of all horses. Platinum Performance® is used successfully in all horses from the family pony to Kentucky Derby Winners.

How does HMB help my horse?

HMB (ß-Hydroxy ß-Methylbutyrate Monohydrate) is an amino acid metabolite that plays a key role in muscle and immune system function, which are both vitally important for the equine athlete. HMB is involved in protein synthesis and has been shown to both increase muscle mass and prevent muscle from breaking down and/or assist in muscle repair. When the body is able to protect itself from an exercise induced catabolic state it can significantly reduce recovery time in the equine athlete.

How do Omega-3 Fatty Acids help athletic horses?

Keeping Cool - The body runs cooler when it metabolizes Omega-3 fatty acids.
Less Lactic Acid - Minimizes production of exercise induced lactic acid.
Muscle Support - Intramuscular fat stores are front-line support during exercise.
Encourage Recovery - Helps delay the onset of fatigue and supports muscle.

What is the difference between Pterostilbene and Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a compound that has received much public and scientific attention in recent years for its effect on inflammation(1). However, resveratrol has limited potential due to its poor bio-availability and its rapid degradation once absorbed. Pterostilbene (ter-o-STIL-been) is a methylated analogue of resveratrol that is far more promising as a nutritional supplement. For example, pterostilbene is 70-90% bio-available after oral intake, whereas resveratrol has a 20-30% absorption rate(2). Furthermore, pterostilbene remains intact in the blood for up to 7 times longer than resveratrol(3). Learn More About Platinum Longevity

1. Frémont L. Biological effects of resveratrol. LifeSci 2000;66:663-673.
2. Kapetanovic I, Muzzio M, Huang Z, et al. Pharmacokinetics, oral bioavailability, and metabolic profile of resveratrol and its dimethylether analog, pterostilbene, in rats. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2011;68:593-601.
3. Remsberg C, Yáñez J, Ohgami Y, et al. Pharmacometrics of pterostilbene: preclinical pharmacokinetics and metabolism, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and analgesic activity. Phytother Res 2008;22:169-179.

Is the amount of Silicon in Platinum Performance® sufficient or does my horse need more than that?

Platinum Performance® Equine Wellness formula contains an adequate amount of silicon for most horses. If your horse is in high intensity training such as racing, you may want to consider adding Osteon to his regimen to protect his bones and connective tissues. Talk to a Platinum Advisor to find the best supplement solution for your particular horse.

What is OCD (Osteochondritis Dessicans)?

Equine OCD is a joint disorder in which cracks form in the articular cartilage and underlying subchondral bone, causing several painful symptoms. OCD has a hereditary component, but is often a result of rapid growth in the young horse. The ingredients in Platinum Performance® Equine, Platinum Performance® CJ, Performance Minerals and Osteon™ can help to support normal, healthy bone, joint and cartilage formation in young growing horses, and maintain these aspects in mature horses.

What role does silicon play in bone health?

Silicon stimulates bone formation and is a key element in the structure of substances such as Hyaluronic Acid, which cushions and lubricates joints to protect them from compressive forces. In a study of Standardbred race horses supplemented with zeolite (a form of silicon), it was proven that the supplemented horses had faster middle-distance run times and had fewer injuries than horses that were not supplemented. The authors of the study concluded that silicon supplements may allow horses to train at faster speeds for longer periods of time without incurring injury.

Are all silicons the same?

Silicon is the second most abundant mineral on planet earth. So, you would think that horses are bound to receive an adequate amount of it in the typical equine diet of forage. However, the form of silicon that is readily available (silicon dioxide or silica) is not bio-available (absorbable) in the horse's body. It is important to supplement with a natural form of silicon such as Zeolite, which is the form used in Platinum Performance® Equine, Platinum Performance® CJ and in Platinum Osteon™, to obtain the benefit from supplementation.

Biotin Levels - Is more really better?

There's a lot more that goes into growing healthy hooves than Biotin alone. When it comes to hoof supplementation it is important not to choose a supplement based only on high levels of Biotin. Be sure that a hoof supplement contains all the nutrients needed to help grow a hoof such as Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Cobalt, Methionine, and L-Lysine. All of these elements are found in Platinum Performance® and Platinum Hoof Support.

Are equine diets that include a lot of grain bad for my horse's hooves?

Horses should be maintained at an ideal Body Condition Score (BCS) of between 4 to 6 (out of 9) because equine obesity and complications from metabolic conditions are often linked to hoof problems. Horses that are given a diet high in grain and soluble carbohydrates are more prone to developing these hoof health issues.

Which Supplement do you recommend for hoof health issues?

Platinum Performance® Equine is very effective at helping to improve and maintain healthy hooves. Most horses respond very well to Platinum Performance®, however if your horse requires additional hoof supplementation we recommend adding Platinum Hoof Support to your supplementation program. Platinum Performance® and Platinum Hoof Support work very well together.

Is Platinum safe for pregnant and lactating mares?

Yes, in fact the positive impacts of Platinum Performance® begins before the foal is even born. Just as human mothers take prenatal vitamins, it is equally important for broodmares to be on Platinum Performance®, providing critical elements for the proper development of the foal.

Can I administer Platinum Performance® to horses under one year of age?

Platinum Performance® can be administered to young horses as soon as they start nibbling on solid feed. The potent ingredients found in Platinum Performance® are important to young growing foals because they provide the body the vitamins, trace minerals, fatty acids and amino acids for proper growth and bone formation. When you provide the body the building blocks that it needs to function properly, young growing animals are more likely to meet their genetic potential and less likely to experience growth related problems.

When should I provide my horse a calming supplement?

Calming supplements are often used in situations when your horse might be exposed to stress or an unfamiliar environment. For some horses that might be a visit from the farrier, for others it might be hauling in the trailer or moving to a new barn. Calming supplements are also commonly used when an active horse is put on stall rest due to sickness or injury. By providing a calming formula, you may reduce the level of stress and anxiety that your horse is experiencing, allowing him to heal without the risk of re-injury.

Can my horse be on a calming supplement all the time?

There are some horses that do need to have a calming supplement daily. Platinum Gentle® is a safe amino acid and trace mineral formula that contains Magnesium Citrate, which naturally relaxes muscles and relieves tension on a daily basis. Platinum Tranquility® is a formula that is recommended to be used for short periods of time in situations that can induce stress.

When can I start giving Platinum Performance® Equine to my foals?

Platinum Performance® Equine can be administered to young horses as soon as they start nibbling on solid feed. The potent ingredients found in Platinum Performance® Equine are important to young growing foals because they provide the body the vitamins, trace minerals, fatty acids and amino acids for proper growth and bone formation. When you provide the body the building blocks that it needs to function properly, young growing animals are more likely to meet their genetic potential and less likely to experience growth related problems.

What is OCD (Osteochondritis Dessicans)?

Equine OCD is a joint disorder in which cracks form in the articular cartilage and underlying subchondral bone, causing several painful symptoms. OCD has a hereditary component but is often a result of rapid growth in the young horse. Supplementing with ingredients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, silicon, vitamins and trace minerals can help to support normal, healthy bone, joint and cartilage formation in young growing horses, and maintain these aspects in mature horses.

Is Bio-Sponge® safe to administer to my horse daily?

Bio-Sponge® is a formula that can be administered daily for horses that have had ongoing intestinal disturbances. If you provide Bio-Sponge® to your horse for seven days and don’t notice any improvement, then it’s probably not going to help that particular case. However, if it does help, you can continue to administer Bio-Sponge® to your horse on a daily basis as part of your supplement program.

What is the difference between tendons and ligaments?

Tendons and ligaments are made from the same basic fibrous tissue, but they have a few key differences:

Tendons link muscle to bone and are designated as either flexor or extensor, assisting in bending and extending equine joints.

Ligaments link bone to bone and act as stabilizing structures that hold bones together and prevent them from overextending.

What role does silicon play in Connective Tissue Health?

Silicon supports both bone formation and calcification, and proper development of cartilage in the joints and connective tissues. Silicon deficiency causes slowed collagen formation, creating a negative impact on bone and connective tissues.

How can ASU help support tendons and ligaments?

ASU can help maintain normal healthy Tendons and Ligaments by supporting:

  • Cartilage health and synthesis
  • Synovial fluid viscosity
  • Production of aggrecan, which can help maintain healthy cartilage
  • Synthesis of glycosaminoglycans, components of cartilage and other connective tissue

Why is there no Chondroitin in Platinum Performance® products?

Platinum Performance® strives to offer products with the highest quality and most effective ingredients available. Due to concerns regarding quality of chondroitin sources, and the great results we have seen with our current formulations, we continue to provide chondroitin-free joint supporting products that we stand behind.

Does Oral Hyaluronic Acid (HA) supplementation benefit my horse?

Platinum Performance® CJ and Ortho-Chon® HA formulas contain Hyaluronic Acid (HA) to help lubricate and cushion your horse's joints. Although it is commonly administered intra-articularly (injected), orally administered HA has been shown, in several studies, to be bio-available (absorbable) and effective in supporting joint health.

By providing your horse a daily dose of HA it is constantly available to the body and actively working to help support your horse's joints. If your horse has an existing joint condition, or is subjected to activities that can lead to joint degeneration, you should consider an oral HA supplement to help support his joints.

What is ASU and how does it help my horse?

ASU (Avocado Soy Unsaponifiable) is a natural vegetable extract from avocado and soybean oils containing a class of biologically active compounds classified as unsaponifiable lipids. The major components of ASU by weight are the phytosterols beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. ASU has shown the ability to both stimulate the building of cartilage as well as prevent its breakdown. Additionally, ASU has inflammatory regulating effects. Studies with ASU have demonstrated their effectiveness in promoting healthy joint function.

Is Platinum Performance® Equine OK for use in horses with Metabolic Syndrome?

Yes, supplementation with Platinum Performance® has been shown to help support normal healthy levels of glucose in horses, and has also been shown to improve blood glucose in laboratory studies at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine.

Can I administer Glucosamine to my horse that has Metabolic Syndrome?

Recent concern has been raised about potential side effects of supplementing a Metabolic horse with Glucosamine, thinking it may spike blood sugar levels. To test this theory, researchers at the Alamo Pintado Center for Biological Medicine monitored blood glucose levels in horses consuming Platinum Ortho-Chon® II HA which provides a daily dose of 7,500 mg of Glucosamine Sulfate. After 3 weeks of supplementation, there was no significant rise in blood glucose seen in the supplemented group over that seen in the non-supplemented group. Therefore, Ortho-Chon® can be safely incorporated into an equine joint program without significantly increasing blood glucose levels.

Platinum Performance® Equine contains molasses, can I give this formula to my Metabolic horse?

Yes, the amount of molasses in a daily serving of Platinum Performance® is incredibly small, and has been shown to have no negative effect on glucose and insulin. Studies have shown this formula can help support metabolic health, and has been safely given to horses with Metabolic concerns for over 15 years.

What role does Chromium play in maintaining normal Metabolic Health?

  • Vital in maintaining normal blood glucose levels and metabolizing carbohydrates
  • Used by the body to support healthy glucose tolerance
  • Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
  • Important co-factor for insulin function
  • May also help promote healthy fat loss and lean muscle tissue development

What are the signs that your horse may have Metabolic Health Issues?

The first step in identifying if your horse has Metabolic Health Issues is to contact your veterinarian for a definitive diagnosis. By staying aware of a few important signs, you can help catch your horse’s metabolic issues in time for early attention, making improvement much easier.

  • Excess weight gain or fatty deposits
  • Drinking excessive amounts of water and/or excessive urination
  • Long, coarse, wavy coat that doesn’t properly shed in season
  • Pot-bellied appearance with a lack of muscle on the topline

Can supplementation help a horse allergic to insect bites?

Supplementing with Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants - specifically Quercetin - can help with insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), and a multitude of other allergies that some horses experience, causing itching, hives and hair loss. By supplementing to support a horse's immune system, you can help your horse to better handle histamine levels and allergic response.

How can I add weight to my horse without using Corn Oil?

Feeding corn oil has been a pretty common practice in the horse community when trying to put weight on a hard keeper and improving coat quality. However we need to keep in mind that by feeding our horses high levels of corn we are actually feeding them a diet 50-70 times higher in pro-inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids. There are healthier sources of oils to choose from that will not only help your horse gain weight but will also provide them a healthy level of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help to regulate inflammation.

Should I feed my underweight horse additional grain to help him put on weight?

When trying to put weight on, it is always important to provide as close to a natural diet as possible. Also, we need to evaluate if the horse needs more digestible energy or calories or if the horse is not properly utilizing the feed that is already being provided. Studies have shown that when you provide a horse a diet supplemented with Platinum Performance® he will actually utilize his feed better. There are healthier alternatives when putting weight on a horse, such as providing a flax oil supplement like Platinum Healthy Weight instead of adding more concentrates to the diet.

How can Platinum Performance® Equine enhance your feeding and supplement program?

  1. Platinum Performance® Equine enhances the nutrient balance of today's equine feeds and forages by providing the Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, trace minerals and amino acids that horses need.
  2. Horses thrive on a natural diet consisting of high quality hay, pasture (if available) and Platinum Performance® Equine. Results show that most horses fed proper amounts of forage and Platinum Performance® Equine are better conditioned, maintain or establish proper weight and perform optimally.

When does my horse need additional immune support?

When your horse is sick or injured it is important to provide additional support to his immune system, which is key to healing and recovery. There are also predictable times of distress that could lead to sickness in a healthy horse. Platinum Immune Support can help boost passive immunity as well as the production of white blood cells responsible for cell-mediated immunity, when you foresee a stressful time in your horse's schedule. Athletic horses are particularly susceptible to immune health issues due to their rigorous training and travel schedule.

Why is cell mediated immunity important to my horse's health?

Cell mediated immunity is extremely important in the resistance to infection by certain bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites. Platinum Performance® Equine contains several ingredients including L-Glutamine, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Whey Protein and Omega-3 fatty acids that help support healthy immune function.

What is a free radical and how do antioxidants affect them?

Free radicals are chemicals produced either as a result of normal metabolism or in response to exercise, inhalation of dust and air pollutants, ingestion of rancid feeds and exposure to ultraviolet light. Free radicals cause chain reactions that result in oxidative damage to proteins, lipids and DNA. Antioxidants are known as “free radical scavengers” and have the ability to terminate these chain reactions by removing free radicals and inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules.

How does feeding rancid fats increase free radical production?

When dietary fats are oxidized, they become “rancid.” A measure of rancid fat in a feed or food item is its peroxide level. Foods with peroxide levels below 10mEQ/kg fat are considered safe and acceptable for human consumption. Although a similar guideline has not been established for horse feeds, many commercials equine feeds exceed this value. Research shows that feeding rancid fats increases the production of free radicals that damage tissues.

Can there be a downside to feeding complete feeds?

Complete feeds are popular because they make feeding simple for the horse owner. However, horse owner convenience doesn’t always match up with good horse health practices. Many horse owners are unaware that feeding cereal grains and high starch concentrates can overload the ability of a horse’s small intestine to digest and absorb carbohydrates. As a result, the excess starch makes its way to the hindgut, where acidosis can occur, which can lead to colic. Grains and sweet feeds also have high levels of Omega-6 fatty acids, which when not fed with the proper ratio to Omega-3 fatty acids, may decrease the intestine’s ability to absorb nutrients.

What are the benefits of feeding a more natural diet?

At Platinum Performance®, we’ve seen the benefits of feeding a more natural diet for over 15 years. Horses are natural grazing animals who are intended to consume a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, trace minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. In contrast, the modern equine diet is often comprised of cereal grains and concentrates that do not provide what nature intended, and can predispose horses to many health conditions.

Can I feed my horse just hay and Platinum?

Yes, many horses thrive on hay and Platinum Performance® Equine. In numerous feeding trials, horses on just hay and Platinum Performance® showed improved health over those being fed typical grain-based commercial diets.

What are some signs of dehydration?

Pinch Test: If the skin on your horse’s neck doesn’t quickly return to its place after being pinched, he may be dehydrated.
Mucous Membranes: If your horse’s mucous membranes in the nose and mouth are dry or red, he may be dehydrated.
Capillary Refill: If you press and remove your finger against your horse’s gums, the spot should turn white and regain color quickly. The longer it takes the capillaries to refill correlates with the severity of the dehydration.

When is it the right time to supplement my horse with electrolytes?

Platinum Performance® Equine provides a sufficient amount of electrolytes and trace minerals to support a healthy electrolyte balance and maintain hydration in most horses. The number of servings of Platinum Performance® Equine may be increased during times of extreme temperatures, however additional electrolyte support may be needed in times of heavy exercise or shipping in hot weather.

What are the potential causes of gastric health issues in horses?

  • Imbalances in equine diet or periods of food deprivation
  • Stall confinement
  • Feeding a high concentrate diet
  • Prolonged NSAID therapy
  • Poor mastication (chewing)
  • Change in management (such as trailering, new environments, changes in daily routines)
  • Overwork (prolonged periods of strenuous exercise training)

What are the benefits of dried Lactobacillus delbrueckii and its fermentation products?

  1. Helps maintain the integrity of the digestive tract: supports normal gastric acid production and cell regeneration.
  2. Contributes to the well-being of the horse: helps manage the clinical signs commonly associated with stress.
  3. Strengthens the health of the performance horse: limits the consequences of training-related stress.
  4. Helps maintain overall condition by supporting healthy appetite and digestion

What Are the Potential Signs of Gastric Health Issues?

  1. Recurrent mild to moderate non-specific colic
  2. Loss of appetite (mild to moderate)
  3. Weight loss
  4. Poor hair coat
  5. Decline in body condition
  6. Decreased athletic performance
  7. Teeth grinding, excessive salivation, yawning
  8. Decrease in feed efficiency
  9. Mild diarrhea
  10. Increased laying down