Why Supplement for Digestive Health

Why Supplement for Digestive Health

Promote a Natural Diet:

Horses are natural grazers, they were never meant to be fed a high amount of grains or concentrates in single feedings, like many modern day equine diets. Adding probiotics, prebiotics and glutamine can promote overall wellness and keep the digestive system running smoothly.

Support Feed Efficiency:

When a horse’s digestive system is functioning properly, the body is able to absorb and utilize nutrients easier leading to less wasted feed and more essential nutrients being put to good use in the body.

Provide Preventative Care:

An estimated 70-80% of the entire immune system resides in the gut. Nourishing beneficial bacteria can help support a healthy gut barrier and microflora balance adding an extra layer of protection for horses.

Should I Feed Grain to my Horse?

High grain diets have been shown to have a detrimental effect on digestion as well as many other aspects of equine health. Many horses thrive on hay and Platinum Performance® Equine including high-level athletic horses. Also, in numerous feeding trials, horses on just hay and Platinum Performance® Equine showed improved health over those being fed typical grain-based commercial diets.

The Winning Combination for Digestive Support

Platinum Performance® Equine + Platinum Balance™

“My horse, Aston, had a history of digestive and weight gain issues. We started him on Platinum Performance® Equine and Platinum Balance on the recommendation of our vet and it's made a huge difference. He gained weight, his body condition is right where we want it, and we don't worry about him having issues when we change hay.”
— Stephanie P.

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Try This GI-Focused Combination For Horses

In Training of Competition

With Difficulty Maintaining Weight

Loose Stool


Also Helpful For
Senior Horses

Platinum's GI-Focused Approach to Wellness

Platinum Performance® Equine + Platinum Balance™

Stress, travel, intense training or competition can take its toll on the horse’s sensitive gastrointestinal tract. Supplementing with the GI-focused combination of Platinum Performance® Equine and Platinum Balance™ can provide advanced digestive support.


This combination provides a comprehensive blend of vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, prebiotics and more - to support your horse in many ways, from digestion to joint health and everything in between.


Prebiotics nourish the “good” bacteria in the gut and support the digestion of fiber, while probiotics are important for nutrient absorption, maintaining proper pH levels, feed efficiency, immune health and to support horses with loose stool.

Immune Health

An estimated 70-80% of the equine immune system resides in the gut. Nourishing it with beneficial bacteria can help support a healthy gut barrier and microflora balance. Glutamine, an amino acid, supports the immune response at the level of the intestinal cell.

Does Platinum Performance® Equine Provide Digestive Support

Yes, Platinum Performance® Equine helps to support digestive health on a daily basis by providing a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and mucilage. This veterinary developed formula has been shown to be beneficial in horses that are prone to digestive issues.

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“After discussing with the vet, I started my mare on Platinum Balance because she was struggling with weight issues despite all the feed I was giving her. Not a week after being on the Balance, I saw a major change in her. Her stools were normal and she began to fill out in her top-line and hips. It was the key to improving her quality of life.”
— Lisa H. and Grace

Get Results with

Platinum Balance™

“After discussing with the vet, I started my mare on Platinum Balance because she was struggling with weight issues despite all the feed I was giving her. Not a week after being on the Balance, I saw a major change in her. Her stools were normal and she began to fill out in her top-line and hips. It was the key to improving her quality of life.”
— Lisa H. and Grace

This daily probiotic formula provides both prebiotics and probiotics to support digestion and hindgut health.

Recommended For Horses:

  • Having difficulty maintaining weight
  • Susceptible to hindgut issues
  • Frequently have a loose stool
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Digestive Support Ingredients to Look For


Live microorganisms that support the growth and activity of “good microbes” in the gut, which is associated with nutrient digestibility, optimal immune and inflammatory support, and general GI health.

Found In: Platinum Balance™ and Platinum Gastric Support®


Support the health of the naturally existing microbes in the hindgut by removing pathogens and feeding the innate, good bacteria that is then able to grow and multiply, resulting in healthy forage digestion.

Found In: Platinum Balance™


Helps optimize gut health by supporting intestinal repair and maintaining intestinal impermeability.

Found In: Platinum Performance® Equine and Platinum Balance™


An organo mineral with a large surface area that has the ability to bind to positively charged ions and organic cations and remove them from the digestive system.

Found In: Platinum Performance® Equine and Bio-Sponge®

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